Monday 8 November 2010

Tyre-ing weekend

Someone stole some tyres from one of the tractors on the farm this weekend so while Raj went looking high and low for the culprit, we decided to cool off in the lake...
We have just about got over our fear of crocodiles, however, when a huge water monitor lizard swims past you it's still a little freaky, and it turns out Molly really can swim quite fast (for the shore) when she wants to.
Cuba loves mucking in on the farm.

It was Diwali on Saturday night and the Indian community in Kabwe pulled off a truely memorable evening with amazing fireworks, home cooked Indian cuisine and dance displays by the children which was a darn sight better than the dance display that Molly and Lawrence tried to pull off around 3 am.

On Diwali new year's day Raj drove Molly and Lawrence and their friend Kate up to Nsobe lodge to recover from hangovers.
While Molly got a massage Lawrence tried in vain to rid himself of a stubborn headache.

Molly, blissed out, hoping next weekend doesn't have to be as exhausting as this one was.

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