Monday 22 November 2010

Batty Blog

Our little car was very brave on a trip to Kasanka National Park, crossing a river and everything... Molly loving the noccies

At this time of year millions of straw coloured fruit bats migrate from Congo and nest in kasanka- it is batty heaven

We got up extra early and seemed very happy about it, to join batters of the world to admire this amazing spectacle

Bats, bats, bats- they're lovely little things

This is Segun- over from UK for a while and chilling here on the lodge verandah overlooking a lake of hippos

This might be a kite- it's large anyway and it was on our walking safari

Lawrence poised for action on the boat cruise...sadly it started to rain just after this and every form of wildlife disappeared so this look of slight terror was unjustified...actually Tom said he saw a large croc but after we got so wet waiting for it to reappear that we had to change every item of clothing, we started to doubt his sanity

On the above mentioned walking safari we saw a snake- maybe it's a black mamba or maybe it's a boomslang but believe us it's dangerous

Our lovely friend at work, Mary, got married at the weekend and was treated to a surprise concert by Mozegator, the dude with the dreads who jumps up and down a lot and kept us very entertained

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