Tuesday 30 November 2010

dance4life and then just chiiiiill on the Lower Zambezi

Saturday night saw 2000 teenagers descend on the Olympic Centre in Lusaka for a concert organised by Molly - it was called 'Run 4 your Life' oops, I mean 'dance4life'.

The kids had a brilliant time and made Zambia proud on the live satellite link up to the rest of the world
So after all that we decided to head to Kanyemba Lodge to recover. Somehow though, someone always talks you into getting up early when you go to this sort of safari place. So here's Molly looking over the mighty Zambezi at dawn wondering why instead of being in bed she is about to get on a boat to see animals.

We saw Hippos cooling off in the water.

And other sweaty mammals paddling about.

There was quite a scarey elephant who was churning up dirt and flapping his massive ears at us.

And Molly got a little freaked out.

But she found a nice spot to relax afterwards at the bushcamp.

And Moll and Loll lived happily ever after on the boat, until the engine packed up and they drifted quite close to the jaws of a massive croc and they decided to call it a day and head home.

Monday 22 November 2010

Batty Blog

Our little car was very brave on a trip to Kasanka National Park, crossing a river and everything... Molly loving the noccies

At this time of year millions of straw coloured fruit bats migrate from Congo and nest in kasanka- it is batty heaven

We got up extra early and seemed very happy about it, to join batters of the world to admire this amazing spectacle

Bats, bats, bats- they're lovely little things

This is Segun- over from UK for a while and chilling here on the lodge verandah overlooking a lake of hippos

This might be a kite- it's large anyway and it was on our walking safari

Lawrence poised for action on the boat cruise...sadly it started to rain just after this and every form of wildlife disappeared so this look of slight terror was unjustified...actually Tom said he saw a large croc but after we got so wet waiting for it to reappear that we had to change every item of clothing, we started to doubt his sanity

On the above mentioned walking safari we saw a snake- maybe it's a black mamba or maybe it's a boomslang but believe us it's dangerous

Our lovely friend at work, Mary, got married at the weekend and was treated to a surprise concert by Mozegator, the dude with the dreads who jumps up and down a lot and kept us very entertained

Monday 8 November 2010

Tyre-ing weekend

Someone stole some tyres from one of the tractors on the farm this weekend so while Raj went looking high and low for the culprit, we decided to cool off in the lake...
We have just about got over our fear of crocodiles, however, when a huge water monitor lizard swims past you it's still a little freaky, and it turns out Molly really can swim quite fast (for the shore) when she wants to.
Cuba loves mucking in on the farm.

It was Diwali on Saturday night and the Indian community in Kabwe pulled off a truely memorable evening with amazing fireworks, home cooked Indian cuisine and dance displays by the children which was a darn sight better than the dance display that Molly and Lawrence tried to pull off around 3 am.

On Diwali new year's day Raj drove Molly and Lawrence and their friend Kate up to Nsobe lodge to recover from hangovers.
While Molly got a massage Lawrence tried in vain to rid himself of a stubborn headache.

Molly, blissed out, hoping next weekend doesn't have to be as exhausting as this one was.