Monday 14 March 2011

This Bird Has Flown

Molly is in flight right now as I post this blog. But we saw her off in style! The ladies of Kabwe were out in force on Saturday night, pulling shapes on the dance floor - even formation dancing as you can see from this pic..
Priscilla and Roshni (pictured here) were instrumental in turning Raj's balcony into a highclass disco complete with decorations and fantastic Zambian music, thanks also goes to Maggie and the Belgian girls.

And of course Raj - what a legend! Every guest was treated to the most delicious chicken and steak complete with all the trimmings. It was a great party, a good time was certainly had by all, apart from the dogs who were scared off by the fireworks.
Molly with friends Josephine and Rose aka Red Rose from the holy hip hop crew. Josephine along with Priscilla got major cred points with the menfolk when the tequilla was brought out! Incidentally I saw Molly cheating and throwing her shot subtely into a nearby flower pot but that's just our little secret.

On Sunday, we were going to take Anna and family to the zoo and botanical gardens but sadly it rained like stink all day long so we just had to stay indoors and play with a balloon. It has just been Anna's fourth birthday and here she is resplendent in her party outfit.

Hanging out on our last night at Pioneer camp. They ran out of small huts so we got upgraded to a whopper family sized barn, and enjoyed a whopper family sized boerwors sausage for dinner.

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