Monday 21 February 2011

Birthday Bloggage

It's Raj's Birthday! We celebrated by a group trip to Nsobe, with canoeing, massages, an addictive traditional game involving black seeds and plenty of healthy competition... Mini Raj- better known as his nephew Priank came with us, along with the lovely Maggie, Roshni, Tom and Segun

Back at the ranch- if we don't appear bang on time for the daily walk, Cuba sulks on the doorstep til we pay him some attention

Molly basking in some not very rainy season like sunshine on the farm
Whenever we stop for a rest we get the slobbery greetings from not one but 3 dogs

Meat and (no) Veg- a typical Zambian dinner which is carnivore tastic- if you look carefully at the rice you can spot a pepper hiding

Sunset in Lusaka, caught on a massive truck departing for the Copperbelt

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