Monday 28 February 2011


This great bird (what is it, does anyone know?) is our new neighbour on the farm, swooping down on unsuspecting mice (and us)
Waterfall time comes again to the farm!
Maggie, Priscilla and Roshni keepin it cool
Central Casting shots for our 2

Self portrait with beard
Mr and Mrs Mudface enjoy the natural jacuzzi facilities
Molly's leaving do had Harriet strumming to the guitar and Bea just laughing

Lawrence was allowed to come as an honourary guest, to ensure all the Mosi beer got drunk, along with Francis

Everyone in time honoured Zambia tradition had to make a speech and here is Rich
Loz does Neil Young esque album cover look? Gwapo looks embarrassed.

Monday 21 February 2011

Tazara Railway

Lawrence traversed the great Tazara Raliway route on the way back from Dar in Tanzania- for 48 sweaty hours - til he reached Kapiri Mposhi, just a few miles from our home in Zambia. Communist grandeur sets the scene on arrival in every station: This is a bridge, and a cloud, and a train

Lorenzo en route!

Morning stretches, somewhere near the border

Soldiers hitching a ride

Rainy season welcomed the arrival of Zambian territory!

Lawrence travelled with half of the peace corps stationed in Zambia- and here descending in one of his new bearded friends

Dar Es Salaam

Beautiful Dar-Es-Salaam was the venue for Molly's conference with young African leaders from all over- being able to watch the sea from the conference window was amazing- if slightly agonising- in 40 degree heat! Raj travelled with Lawrence to join Molly for the last weekend, and taste the local delicacy of fresh coconut milk. Unfortunately Raj face planted his...
Moz n Loz BeachSide....
A dhow setting out to catch fish
Nat from Uganda on an idyllic island near Dar
Raj posing on his private speed boat- why wait in line, when you can hire one for the day?
Cyclist taking the easy way out in maniac Dar traffic

Birthday Bloggage

It's Raj's Birthday! We celebrated by a group trip to Nsobe, with canoeing, massages, an addictive traditional game involving black seeds and plenty of healthy competition... Mini Raj- better known as his nephew Priank came with us, along with the lovely Maggie, Roshni, Tom and Segun

Back at the ranch- if we don't appear bang on time for the daily walk, Cuba sulks on the doorstep til we pay him some attention

Molly basking in some not very rainy season like sunshine on the farm
Whenever we stop for a rest we get the slobbery greetings from not one but 3 dogs

Meat and (no) Veg- a typical Zambian dinner which is carnivore tastic- if you look carefully at the rice you can spot a pepper hiding

Sunset in Lusaka, caught on a massive truck departing for the Copperbelt