Wednesday 7 April 2010

The Falls

Hello 'my dear viewers' (I am quoting one of the Muvi TV presenters there)it is time for you to enjoy the latest Moll and Loll in Zambia blog entry.And what an entry it is... so without further adoo I give you the Victoria falls in all it's glory!

Ok so there are no actual pictures of the falls, because being the end of the rainy season you can't even see them behind the gargantuan eruption of spray - if you try and take a picture it just comes out white.It's just like a massive cloud of water that spews out and thunders - 'Mosi Oa Tunya' the Zambian name for it literally Smoke that Thunders!
In this picture you can see people braving the thundering spray in order to walk along 'Knife Edge Bridge' as you can see people try and protect themselves with raincoats or umbrellas or just strip down to a bikini or a pair of togs - either way you're going to get soaked. But hey, it's not that bad when you can walk back out to lush summer sunshine. Our Livingstone story doesn't actually start at the falls, it actually starts the previous night, a little upstream on a lovely sunset cruise. The brochure called it a booze cruise, I don't know why, it's not like there was free beer for the entire trip or anything...because that would be stupid right? I mean people could get drunk and fall into the croc infested Zambezi! No that would be foolish... or it could actually be very fun indeed! I can't really remember, something to do with a crocodile biting off my head.
Anyway, here's a lovely picture of Heather, Raj and Molly at the beginning of the cruise. The other members of the happy throng were Brad and Lawrence. Apologies to Brad for not being in more pictures here .. but if you will persist on pulling satanic expressions in every bloomin picture and scaring the children..then you've only got yourself to blame.
Moving on: to Safari! We were warned that because it is the end of rainy season and the bush is very lush and green and in need of waxing then all the animals would be hiding away from view and that the safari might be a bit uneventful.So Lawrence and Brad took the necessary precautions and stocked up with beer for the duration.

As it happens we did see some animals including warthogs and baboons. This is a big male coming to maraude me and Brad in the back of the pick up.
Molly got a bit brave after we escaped the baboon and poked her head out the window.

And then we all got quite brave and pottered about next to the Zambezi to watch the sunset. For the record there were no lions in this park.

Here's a picture of Molly on a rock.

And here's a picture of what she's looking at. If you study the picture closely you can see someone bunjee jumping off the bridge like a maniac.

And here's a picture of a maniac. Yes, my dear viewers that's Lawrence throwing himself into the rainbow down towards the swirling zambezi. Brad also did this brave stunt and lived to tell the tale.

Here's a picture of Lawrence hugging Molly after pretty much deciding he's not going to do another one of those in a hurry!

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