Monday 7 December 2009

What does BLOG mean anyway..?

Lawrence and Molly have bowed to the inevitable and welcome you to their blog!
After 3 months in Zambia, the idyllic vision of spending blissed out weeks in sun soaked relaxation has not quite come true, but everything is going fine!

Lawrence is designing graphics and Christmas jingles for Muvi TV and Molly is travelling central province and generally getting ready for 100 volunteers come January...
We have a (slightly scary) sounding Christmas break planned in Mutinondo- a wilderness in NE Zambia for 'old Africa hands' that's most def us.

Our house is covered in 'chitenge'(great african fabrics) and when there is electricity and water flowing we can cook up a mean Roast Chicken.
We have had a few mishaps, what with all Molly's underwear going mysteriously missing and Lawrence waiting 4 hours for a bus to leave a bus station whilst his phone is getting nicked- but in general we are loving it!

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