Wednesday 27 October 2010

The Big Catch Up

Apologies for being rubbish and not updating the blog for absolutely yonks, but I am pleased to say that the reason is not by any means because we haven't been doing anything. So, this is a BIG catch up on what we have been up to..

Molly went to learn how to 'dance' which as it turns out is a euphemism.

Then we got visited by some of the best peeps you could imagine.. and we took them for a sunset cruise in Livingstone.

The Brech trio who braved the Edge of Vic falls/Edge of Sanity

Devil's pool, also very much on the edge of reason.

This is a game, a bit like 'Where's Wally', only it's called 'Where's Lawrence?'

Luckily Lawrence survived getting tumbled like a rag doll down the Zambezi and recovered enough to marry his beautiful wife Molly.Only he never had time to brush his hair..

And Mr and Mrs Watson went on honeymoon .. with their friends - who were bundled into the boot for company.

When we got to Mutinondo, we were told there was a horse-devouring lion on the loose, so we decided to spendthe first day climbing a nearby hill in an effort to escape his clutches - it worked and we lived another day.

After the honeymoon there was a brief stint back at work, the highlight of Lawrence's time was meeting Michael Jackson - aliveand well (disguised as an 8 year old).

And then we were briefly spotted in UK playing guitar and singing amongst other things!

And on return to Zambia Molly was allowed to keep the party going with a birthday party.

This was a birthday card from Guapo and Cuba...

It was Independence day so we went away for a night at the boat club, this is Molly safely above the croc infested waters.

This is a bunch of Missionaries on a mission - to fly a man behind a speed boat using a rope and a parachute.They succeeded! Despite some questionable hairdoos.

And this is Red Rose from the Holy Hip Hop Clique, doing a gig to the Kabwe massive.