Thursday 8 July 2010

Kapishya Hot Springs and Shiwa Ngandu

In the words of Confucious (I Think) 'Every great journey starts with one small step'.This long weekend started with a massive long drive up the Great North Road further into the northern wilderness than any of us had ever been...As you can imagine we felt like stretching our legs when we got there.This is Molly and Heather at the start of our little walk to a waterfall nearby the Lodge at Kapishya.
First rule of Bushcraft, wear a sensible hat and look like you know where you are going.

This is actually on the way home, we never found the waterfall and like Livingstone looking for the source of the Nile we were probably never anywhere near it!

Luckily the hot springs were only a few paces away from our chalet so we found them without any bother.

Molly reading a steamy novel in a fascinating natural bath tub.

Apparantly there are monkeys in Japan that spend all winter in some similar hot springs, I don't blame them.

Breakfast on a coal powered oven, was cooked at a leisurely pace.

..and as we waited for the bacon we could drink cups of coffee by the river.

This is the misty river seen from the balcony of our chalet in the early morning.

Shiwa Ngandu is an old house built by an eccentric Englishman in the twenties. It is still haunted by 2 fashion models who are often spotted by the crumbling arch.

Molly and Lawrence on the lawn outside the house. The guide started with the Chapel, Molly thought he said champagne and got very excited!

After such a lush long weekend Molly and Lawrence just had to jump and skip all the way back down to the car and then sit in it for 10 hours to get home.