More adventures to report on the farm- we have a resident owl, despite Lawrence’s heroic attempts with netting in the garage. We have found a hammock – twinned with the afternoon ritual of rose wine, Molly thinks she might have African sleeping sickness...

But then she thinks she might have Bilharzia, as we brave the lake now and again. We have taken to bringing children with us, so in the case of a croc attack, we might not be the first to go.
Whilst in the lake last weekend a small boy on the opposite bank serenaded us with some amazing moves whilst his mum went fishing with a mosquito net.

Evening sunset walks are out of this world, the only stress being trying to find the dogs as they disappear into the wild bush, returning with a proud look, but no plunder. How do you teach a dog to ‘heel’? or even to respond to their name? Answers on a postcard please...