Saturday 20 February 2010


This was the beginning of a party we had at our house with lots of folks from Molly's work.
This is Abdul making the 'Red Fire' which is no mean feat with wet charcoal. We have since dried it out on the balcony but now we have run out of kerosene. But anyway enough about the science or should I say fine art of lighting a fire..

This picture is later at the party and these guys are Jonas, Abdul, Dibali, Thabo and Roy. Thabo is pointing at a bottle of Autumn Harvest which is actually Zambian for cheap wine. Autumn Harvest is sometimes drunk on its own or on special occasions mixed with beer - which actually makes it taste better.

Mwamba (above) is one of our neighbours. I am teaching him how to swing a golf club and play guitAR. I asked him if he had ever heard of the Beatles and he said yes... but I suspect he lied to me because so far he hasn't recognised any of the songs I've played him from the Beatles complete song book!

This is the biggest tragedy - someone cut down our tree while we were out. I told the lady to 'cut the tree' as in trim the leaves not cut the whole thing down! I think we are going to have to move out now..
These guys are some of my fellow designers (from foreground to background) Angel, Gabriel and Michael. They are actually not gangsters ...
This is castle Muvi. Well Muvi TV headquarters where I work. The graphics room is behind that little piece of wood above the two aircon

This is a picture of a shirt I got made. Look at the way the pattern exactly matches up in the middle. I have also taken to wearing a necklace which is in the shape of a head and is made of wood.. give it a few months and I will have pierced my nose with an elephant tusk.

This is a parade of shops - they are shut because it is Sunday - I am attempting to cycle as fast of possible down the pavement with my legs spread in the fashion of an eagle (for more speed)

Some readers of this blog have asked to see more pictures of Kabwe and less pictures of drunken idiots. Well, this is a small part of Kabwe - outside this shoe shop there are about 6 pillars adorned with paintings of shoes - not bad eh?.
We met up with the boys at a bar called 'Go Disney' which is basically a carpark with beer in it. I got bitten by a snake in the head and Abdul (top left) insisted that brad suck out the poison before I died. I did live to tell the tale.

After Brad sucked the snake poison from my head he contracted 'Rage' and briefly became a zombie. I had to lock him in the chicken coop for my own safety... he was not best pleased. Note: there are no chickens - he ate them.
Exit Molly stage left. Yes sadly the heroine of this blog had to go away for an act or two (jet setting around Europe) and so rather than let the audience down we decided that the play must go on and bravely continued partying in Kabwe without her.

By the way, Claire came to stay with us from Tanzania for a few weeks and did some work at Moll's company. She was like Brad but a girl version - good fun basically... This picture was the beginning of the night at our place.